Cop fined $40 000 for pistol whipping

Source: Cop fined $40 000 for pistol whipping | Herald (Crime)

Chido Nyamuyaruka-Court Correspondent 

A police officer stationed at Borrowdale Police Station in Harare was yesterday fined $40 000 for hitting another man with a pistol butt.

Elliah Chipanda (43), was further slapped with a wholly suspended two-month jail term after he pleaded guilty to the assault charges.

Chipanda admitted to hitting Mr Calvin Chipfurutse when he appeared before magistrate Mrs Noticia Shenje. 

Mrs Shenje, in sentencing Chipanda, considered that he was a first offender and family man.

She also considered that Mr Chipfurutse was not seriously injured.

Prosecutor, Mr Vincent Chidembo said Chipanda committed the offence on July 19.

A medical affidavit tendered in court indicated that Mr Chipfurutse did not suffer severe injuries although he was hit twice on the head.

The medical affidavit also indicated that it was highly unlikely that he suffered permanent injuries

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