Demand for burial space spikes in Byo 

Source: Demand for burial space spikes in Byo – The Southern Eye

THE demand for burial space has spiked in Bulawayo, forcing city fathers to consider cremation.

This was revealed in the latest council minutes on cemeteries and cremations.

“Councillor Sikhululekile Moyo noted that the death rate was very high and demand for burial space was increasing. She supported cremation. She also enquired about Pumula South Cemetery’s progress,” the minutes read.

According to the minutes, the director of health services Edwin Sibanda reported that six cremations comprising four females and two males were carried out last month.

According to the minutes, bodies from outside  Bulawayo and outside the country dominated burials in the city’s cemeteries last month.

“Umvutcha Cemetery recorded burials from outside the city as follows: Harare (one), Lupane (one), South Africa  (three), Gweru (two), Vic Falls  (one), Chinhoyi (one), Goromonzi (one), United States (one) and Botswana (one).

“Luveve Cemetery recorded burials from out of Bulawayo as follows: Zambia (one), South Africa (27), Harare (three), Matobo (two) and the following districts had one each, that is Esigodini, Inyathi, Kwekwe, Mberengwa and Umguza,” the minutes read.

The minutes stated that council should acquire a modern cremator soon.

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