ED signs bill to prosecute rogue security forces 

Source: ED signs bill to prosecute rogue security forces – The Standard

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has finally signed into law the Zimbabwe Independent Complaints Commission Act providing for the investigation and prosecution of members of security services for misconduct.

This follows complaints of human rights abuses and reports of alleged partisan conduct by members of the security forces in the discharge of their duties.

According to the latest Government Gazette, the Act provides for disciplinary proceedings and appropriate remedies in respect of any harm caused by any misconduct by members of the security services.

It aims to enhance accountability and transparency by the security services and their members in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.

The Act gives effect to Section 210 of the constitution that provides for an independent mechanism for receiving and investigating complaints from members of the public.

In terms of procedure of reporting complaints, any person who is aggrieved by any act of misconduct by a member of a security service may make a written complaint to the Commission requesting it to investigate the act complained of.

The Commission, however, shall not investigate any complaint unless the complaint is submitted to it within three years of the date the act complained of occurred.

The commission may recommend the immediate release of any person from unlawful detention, payment of compensation to the complainant including redress through the courts for the prosecution against the alleged culprits in the uniformed forces.

In terms of the Constitution, members of the security services must act in accordance with this Constitution and the law and not act in a partisan manner or further the interests of any political party.

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