Ivan Zhakata-Herald Correspondent
Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa has urged the media to ensure fair, balanced and objective coverage of all political parties and contestants in the forthcoming elections.
In a speech read on her behalf by her deputy Kindness Paradza on the launch of the Elections Reporting and Peace Journalism Manual by the Zimbabwe Media Commission in partnership with UNESCO, Minister Mutsvangwa said when reporting on elections, the media should comply with the Zimbabwe Media Commission Act, the Electoral Act (Section 160) and the Statutory Instrument 33 of 2008 (ZEC General Regulations: Media Coverage of Elections).
She said media outlets, whether public or private, should be subject to the same obligations of fairness, balance and impartiality.
“These legal instruments provide a framework within which the media has to operate, both print and electronic,” Minister Mutsvangwa said.
“The spirit of the legal instruments is to ensure fair, balanced and objective coverage of all political parties and contestants.
“These legal provisions are in addition to the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections and the African Union Charter on Elections. During any election in Zimbabwe, the law requires that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), the ZMC and the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) set up a Media Monitoring Committee.
“The major role of the Committee is to ensure that the media assists in creating a conducive environment for the holding of free and credible elections.”
Minister Mutsvangwa said the media had to comply with constitutional provisions on the use of hate and inflammatory language, violence and ensure that reportage of the media did not lead to inflaming the electoral environment.
She said it was the duty of the media to objectively inform citizens of their rights and activities taking place as part of the electoral process.
“Above all, the media should assist in the creation of a conducive environment for the holding of a free and credible election,” said Minister Mutsvangwa. “The manner in which elections are conducted and the manner in which the media covers issues have far-reaching consequences on the political future of any given country.
“That political character arising from the elections and how we report such developments will make or break the future development of the country. We have one country called Zimbabwe, I urge the media to report fairly, objectively and factually on the electoral processes and political activities taking place.”
ZMC chairperson Professor Ruby Magosvongwe said their vision aimed at fostering access to information and a professional regional interest driven media by 2030.
She said they wanted to enhance democracy by facilitating access to information and a diverse, plural and ethical media.
“The Commission’s major focus is on the promotion and protection of freedom of expression in the media and the promotion of accountable governance through facilitating public access to information held by public entities for purposes of transparency, accountability and protection of human rights,” said Prof Magosvongwe.
“The ZMC decided to produce the Elections Reporting and Peace Journalism Manual to capacitate media practitioners with the necessary knowledge skills in elections reporting. It takes on board domestic provisions based on elections, SADC guidelines, UNESCO guidelines on elections reporting, as well as international based practices.”
UNESCO regional director for Southern Africa, Professor Lydia Brito said they were pleased to be involved in supporting the Elections Reporting and Peace Journalism Manual.
“I strongly believe that this manual will go a long way in sharpening and renewing the commitment of journalists and other media professionals to the highest ethical standards in conveying relevant peaceful electoral information to the public,” she said.