Married woman stabbed to death by lover

Source: Married woman stabbed to death by lover | Herald (Crime)

Fungai Lupande Mashonaland Central Bureau

A married woman from Ran Mine compound in Bindura was stabbed to death by her lover from the same compound after their love affair came to the attention of her husband.

Mashonaland Central police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe said Juliet Gonzo (40) was stabbed in the stomach leaving her large intestines protruding.

She died upon arrival at Bindura hospital.

Police have launched a manhunt for the accused Norman Rafu (42) who is on the run

Insp Mundembe said on January 16 at around 1pm the deceased, Gonzo invited Rafu to her matrimonial home to discuss issues pertaining to the alleged affair with her husband Tobias Shuku (66).

The issue was not reportedly solved after Rafu became violent and was asked to leave by Shuku.

Insp Mundembe said at around 9.30pm Shuku went to sleep and Gonzo waited until he was fast asleep and sneaked out of the house.

She went to Rafu’s house and the pair had a misunderstanding.

“Rafu stabbed Gonzo with a sharp object at the right side of her stomach creating a large open wound which forced large intestines to protrude,” said Insp Mundembe.

“Gonzo was heard by neighbours screaming for help and Portia Shumba (34) found her lying in a pool of blood. Accused’s brother Edwin Rafu went to wake Shuku up and inform him about the incident.

“Shuku rushed to the scene and looked for transport to take her to the hospital. She was pronounced dead upon arrival at Bindura hospital.”

The case was reported at Bindura Central police station and Gonzo had a large open wound about seven centimetres wide.

Insp Mundembe appealed to married couples to be faithful to their spouses and shun infidelity which often leads to murder and suicide.

He urged people to resolve differences amicably.

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