Massive empowerment for Insiza footballers

The Chronicle

Ricky Zililo in Filabusi
AT least 200 youths from Insiza District wards, who took part in a football tournament meant to encourage young people to register to vote in next year’s elections, will benefit from cattle worth US$30 000.

Farai Taruvinga, the Zanu-PF Insiza North legislator availed US$60 000 to Insiza Grassroots Sports Development (IGSD) in August, who decided to use football as a tool to promote voter registration in the district as well as help arrest social ills amongst young people.

Twenty-three wards, 11 from Insiza North and 12 from Insiza South constituencies battled it out in a football tournament that kicked off in September and had its final played at Shangani Mine Grounds last weekend.

Ward 12 pummelled Ward 7 5-1 in the final played last weekend to take home 27 Brahman cattle.

According to competition organisers, each player from Ward 12 will get a Brahman cow.

Losing finalists Ward 7 were rewarded with 17 cattle, with third-placed Ward 4 taking away 12 cattle while fourth-placed Ward 4 were rewarded with 10.

Teams that finished fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth each got four cows which they will breed, with the players set to share at a later stage.

Insiza grassroot sport

Chief director in the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation Ministry, Benson Dube the initiative for empowering young people.

“Drug and substance abuse among young people is real and such initiatives that keep young people busy are welcome. Right now, young sportspeople have been given start-ups and if they breed these cattle they are set for the future. What Insiza District has done is a first in the country, rewarding young people with cattle instead of money. Now the youngsters won’t have time to participate in social ills and instead will have to look after their cattle,” said Dube.

“Our Honourable Minister (Kirsty Coventry) was supposed to officiate here today but asked if these awards can be postponed so that she graces us. She recognises the work and empowerment done for the youths and that’s why she wants to attend the awards. Presently, Minister Coventry is attending to work assigned to her by His Excellency President Mnangagwa,” said Dube.

A truckload of cattle drove past the Filabusi business centre, with residents and vendors ululating as they marvelled at the prize for Ward 12 which will be presented at a later date.

Thulani Sibanda, IGSD chairperson said they used part of the US$60 000 for capacity development initiatives as well as revamping Filabusi Country Club.

Insiza grassroot sport

“Our target was to have players who had registered to vote participating to encourage other youths, to take these young people away from social ills by having the competition played throughout the year in the next edition and to empower youths economically.

“We also used part of the sponsorship to hold an administrators’ workshop for 77 sports administrators and 23 councillors from all wards. We had 44 referees being trained as we dream to have these competitions annually.

“Because we want to introduce other disciplines in future, eight boxing coaches were trained using the same funds and also rehabilitated grounds at all wards,” said Sibanda.

He reported that the competition was played in a conducive environment, without any acts of hooliganism.

Sibanda however noted the need to keep capacitating match officials as they received several complaints against referees. — @ZililoR

Article Source: The Chronicle

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