Militant Zanu PF supporters launch attack on Chamisa’s Gokwe rally

GOKWE – Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa’s rural Gokwe rally was Thursday disrupted by dozens of militant Zanu PF supporters who callously attacked the opposition followers.

Two CCC youth leaders, Gift Mpofu and Victor Chinyanga, from Gokwe Kabuyuni Ward 29 were badly beaten by the suspected Zanu PF youths at Nenyunga shopping centre.

The drama followed another attack on the opposition leader’s convoy as he made his way to the rally venue.

According to party spokespersons, over 20 vehicles of suspected Zanu PF supporters placed barricades along the road to prevent his convoy from reaching the rally venue.

Journalists Tongai Mwenje, Toneo Rutsito, Pellagia Mpurwa and Chelsea Mashayamombe were not spared the attacks.

The scribes were in Chamisa’s convoy, which was caught up in a high speed chase by the attackers.

In a social media video he posted moments after the road drama, CCC deputy spokesperson Ostallos Siziba accused Zanu PF of attempts to usurp the opposition’s constitutionally guaranteed rights to free campaigning.

“We are here between Gokwe (town) and Kabuyuni after a high speed chase where more than 23 vehicles belonging to have manned a road block entering Kabuyini to disrupt, barricade and stop us from accessing our rally which is supposed to be going on in Kabuyuni.

“We have tried to navigate through to ensure that we protect the principal (Chamisa) and also find ways for our security to be able to clear the road so that we can proceed with our rally.

“We have got the freedom to gather, the freedom to assemble; we are a legitimate political organisation in this country and we cannot be stopped and have our programmes dictated by Zanu PF,” Siziba said.

Attacks against Chamisa’s convoys and rallies are now increasingly becoming common as the country prepares for harmonised elections next year.

Earlier during the week, Chamisa’s convoy was also attacked by suspected Zanu PF supporters in Mashonaland East province.

The opposition leader, who poses the greatest poll threat to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s re-election hopes, was visiting political hotspots such as Mutawatawa, Chitsungo and Mazowe Bridge, where he held meetings with stakeholders.

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