MPs press minister on Zimbabwe’s planned response to US’s aid freeze on HIV programmes

HARARE – Legislators have demanded answers from health deputy minister Sleiman Kwidini on what plans government had in place to cover the gap created by the sudden withdrawal of US funding into Zimbabwe’s health system.

During question time in parliament on Wednesday, Hwange West MP Vusumuzi Moyo sought to hear if government had a way of cushioning its citizens from the impact likely to be caused by the withdrawal of HIV related funding by a major donor.

Moyo asked “what policy plans has the government put in place to alleviate the impact that has been created by the sudden withdrawal of US funding in our health service delivery system, especially in the fight against the HIV pandemic”.

Epworth MP Zivai Mhetu also sought answers from the minister on when the government-funded condoms and Antiretroviral drugs were going to be distributed to the public.

“Before the condoms and ARVs finish, we want to know when those drugs are going to be distributed to close the gap resulting from the withdrawal of the funding … before the condoms and ARVs finish, we want to know when those drugs are going to be distributed? he asked.

In his response, the deputy minister, while admitting that Zimbabwe would be greatly affected, said government was on top of the situation.

“Yes, there might indeed be an impact on the withdrawal of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from World Health organisation.

“In terms of issues of HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, which has been left out by these programmes implementers were giving us.”

Kwidi said it was now the mandate of the ministry and the government to make sure that the programmes do not collapse.

“So, as we speak, the ministry’s technocrats are in the process of finding out how best we can human capital which was affected by these funds which have been withdrawn,” the top government official said.

“Basically, the policy is already there and was existing but come up with solutions possible, especially in budgeting and also human capital which was affected by these funds which have been withdrawn. Basically, the policy is already there and was existing but what has been withdrawn is the support which we were receiving from the funders.”

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