New political party launched

Source: New political party launched | The Standard (Zimbabwe Stories)


A new opposition party, the National People’s Congress (NPC) was launched in Harare yesterday as political temperatures continue to heat up towards the 2023 general election.

The party is led by renowned banker and engineer Wilbert Mubaiwa.

Mubaiwa said his party was centralist in nature, and different from other political parties in terms of ideology.

“We don’t believe in pointing fingers and fighting other parties; we believe in proffering solutions,” Mubaiwa told delegates at the launch.

Mubaiwa, a Guruve South losing independent candidate in the 2018 polls, said they had been planning to launch the party since 2019.

“We considered a lot of things before coming up with this new party,” he said.

“We know that there are more than 100 political parties registered with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and we are offering an alternative from all those political parties.”

The former MD of Sunway City said his party was anchored on the concept of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu entails Africanism.

“If you see me talking to a Zanu PF leader, it doesn’t mean I am a sell-out,” he said,

“When you see me dining with Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) officials, it means there is osmosis of ideas.

“Being in different political parties does not make us enemies.”

The post New political party launched appeared first on The Standard.

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