Rullzynation IntwanakaGogo drops EP

The Chronicle

Mthabisi Tshuma, Showbiz Reporter

RISING musician Rullzynation IntwanakaGogo (born Brian Mthetho) has released an EP titled “A Story I Never Told Anyone (A.S.I.N.T.A)”.

The EP was released today on digital platforms including Spotify. It was recorded and mastered by Grannies-Beats and Sycs-Production under IZINJA SG & Nation3rdMusiq.

The EP has five tracks, the title track, Takabva Kure, Hondo, The one I love and Kaptain.

Commenting on the project, Rullzynation IntwanakaGogo said: “This project talks about my past, present, and the future from a personal perspective to a brand perspective. It also highlights that I’m from the Sena tribe in a royal family in Mozambique.

“Through the EP, I seek to announce my arrival and that I mean business.

This year is a year of change, ability and stability in the industry. It’s my tale and revelation of what has been happening to me.”

The track uKaptain, Rullzynation IntwanakaGogo said: “UKap’tain/iKasi Salute is a dedication to one of my kasi heroes from Barbourfields named Zwelithini-Chops who died recently. He was my inspiration and Grootman.”

Rullzynation IntwanakaGogo said he will promote the tracks through interviews on Khulumani FM and Skyz Metro FM on Friday. – @mthabisi_mthire

Article Source: The Chronicle

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