The Chronicle
Sikhulekelani Moyo, Business Reporter
A CHAIN retail supermarket Sai Mart is spreading wings outside Bulawayo, with the outlet targeting to open a new brunch in Plumtree tomorrow.
Sai Mart which runs under Pin Tail Trading is owned by a legislator and Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Raj Modi and has over six branches in Bulawayo.
In his official Twitter account, Minister Modi said during the official opening of the supermarket, they will donate food hampers to the vulnerable members of the community.
“On Thursday we will open a new Sai Mart branch in Plumtree town. The aim is to offer quality and affordable goods to the people in Plumtree,” reads the tweet.
“If you are in Plumtree, come and witness the grand opening. On the day we will donate food hampers to the vulnerable members of the community.”
The growth of the retail sector shows efforts by the private sector to complement Government through investing in businesses that uplift citizens’ lives.
Pin Tail Trading employs nearly 500 people and it is engaged in different charity programs which are meant to enhance health in different communities and fight drug abuse.
Article Source: The Chronicle