Shutdown calls ignored by peace loving Zimbabweans

The Chronicle

Nqobile Tshili, Chronicle Reporter

THE public has ignored calls to illegally shutdown the country with peace prevailing countrywide as members of the public go about their business.

Anti-riot police among other security players have been deployed in strategic areas to thwart any illegal protests.

Regime change proponents under the banner Pachedu called for a national shutdown but it is business as usual as shops and other businesses go about their operations as usual in Bulawayo and other places.

In a statement posted on social media platform Twitter, Zimbabwe Republic Police said peace is prevailing across the country.

“The ZRP reports that the situation in the country is normal. The public is urged to report anyone trying to intimidate, harass or threaten members of the public who are peacefully conducting their normal day-to-day activities. Police are ready to ensure that peace continues to prevail throughout the country,” read the statement.


Article Source: The Chronicle

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