Two terms for Vice Chancellor

Source: Two terms for Vice Chancellor | The Herald

Two terms for Vice Chancellor
Prof Murwira

Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter

Vice chancellors of State universities will now be required to serve their institution only for two terms as part of Government ‘s deliberate plan to ensure good corporate governance, legislators heard today.

Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Minister Professor Amon Murwira said only in exceptional circumstances will a vice chancellor have his or her term extended beyond two terms.

Prof Murwira was giving oral evidence this morning before Parliament’s portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Innovation, Science and Technology which wanted him to unpack the Amendment of State Universities Statute Bill that is currently before Parliament.

Prof Murwira said one of the objectives of the Bill is to standardise and ensure uniformity in all State university operations.

He said one of the objectives of the Bill is to bring State universities in line with the need for 21st century university functions as agents of the industrialisation and modernisation agenda as expressed by the Government ‘s Education 5.0.

One of the objectives, said Prof Murwira, was to ensure that senior officers like vice chancellors served not more than two terms.

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