Vote Zanu-PF for improved service delivery: Mahiya

Source: Vote Zanu-PF for improved service delivery: Mahiya | Sunday News (local news)

Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau

ZANU-PF Secretary for War Veterans Affairs, Cde Douglas Mahiya has called on Zimbabweans to vote in their numbers for the party’s candidates during the forthcoming by-elections next month for improved service delivery in local authorities.

He said the opposition-led councils had failed Zimbabweans and that service delivery had deteriorated to alarming levels.

Cde Mahiya made the clarion call yesterday while officially launching the Beitbridge district’s campaign and introducing the two candidates for Wards 4 and 5, Cdes Lawrence Tshili and Showa Moyo who will be contesting under Beitbridge Municipality.

The two will be standing against Mr Morgan Ncube and Granger Nyoni of the Nelson Chamisa-led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

The two wards fell vacant when Mr Ncube and Nyoni were recalled by the MDC led by Douglas Mwonzora.

Senior politicians in the party also had the opportunity of welcoming 15 people who defected from CCC in Beitbridge yesterday.

“Service delivery has deteriorated in most urban settlements where the opposition is in charge of the councils and this is the time for Zimbabweans to vote them out during by-elections.

It is very critical that you vote for Zanu-PF which is a revolutionary party with people at heart and we will ensure that we bring back the glory in the towns as we drift towards attaining the envisaged Vision 2030”.

He said it was  critical all members of Zanu-PF including the veterans of the liberation struggle, women’s league, and youth league go out in their numbers to campaign for the party to win.

Cde Mahiya said the revolutionary party was now stronger than before and that they want to take everything that is on offer during the by-elections.

He also lauded President Mnangagwa for initiating the programme to expeditiously process title deeds for most properties nationwide.

“This initiative will improve the networth of most citizens who may be able to use the title deeds to secure loans and others services that will help them grow their enterprises.

We need to ensure that the general welfare of Zimbabweans improves as we seek to have an upper-middle-class economy by the year 2030.

Therefore, we commend our President (Mnangagwa) for this timeous initiative,” said Cde Mahiya.

Zanu-PF Matabeleland South vice-chairman, Cde Albert Nguluvhe who is also the legislator for Beitbridge East said Zimbabweans had got another opportunity to vote for the right candidates who can deliver.

“We need to fix the mistakes we did in 2018 by voting for Zanu-PF candidates on 26 March and stop the rot in the local authorities.

Under our leadership, we will bring back people-centred services delivery. Let’s encourage every registered voter to cast their votes for our candidates,” he said.

Cde Nguluvhe said it boggled the mind why the local authorities were failing to improve services delivery when the national Government was assisting them with devolution funds to address their deficiencies.

He said Beitbridge residents should resist the loading of the voters’ role with outsiders like what happened in 2018. — @tupeyo

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