Women urged to be vigilant

Source: Women urged to be vigilant | Herald (Top Stories)

Zanu PF Women’s League Political Commissar Cde Maybe Mbowa addresses an induction and mobilisation strategy meeting at the revolutionary party headquarters yesterday, while the league’s national executive members Cdes Betty Kaseke, Monica Mutsvangwa and Mabel Chinomona listen. — Pictures: Innocent Makawa.

Joseph Madzimure-Senior Reporter

Zanu PF’s Women’s League members have been urged to be vigilant and guard against infiltration for the success of the party ahead of the forthcoming general elections slated for next year.

The Women’s League leadership has accelerated its engagement with provincial structures, with Harare province being the first, as part of the mobilisation strategy ahead of the 2023 general elections.

The party is targeting to surpass five million votes to ensure a resounding victory for President Mnangagwa and the party in the 2023 elections.

 Speaking at the induction and mobilisation strategy programme organised for Harare’s Women League district structures, Zanu PF Secretary for Women Affairs Cde Mable Chinomona reiterated that the league‘s position was that President Mnangagwa is the sole presidential candidate for the 2023 general elections.

“This is the first meeting we are having after our elective conference and reiterating the position which we agreed that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is our candidate for next year’s elections,” she said.

Cde Chinomona called upon league members to ensure unity of purpose among its ranks.

“Harare province needs to work together for the success of the party and root out divisive elements,” she said. 

“Women in Harare must be vigilant as you are easily infiltrated, you must work together for the good of the party and this alone will see the party register success in the forthcoming elections.” 

Cde Chinomona called for the league members to embark on empowerment drive such as baking, soap making, market gardening, among others.

She challenged members to lure those in opposition to join Zanu PF.

“Let’s go and fish out from the opposition pond,” said Cde Chinomona. “Let’s tell people about the achievements made by the Second Republic.” 

The induction meeting was attended by the league’s national executive members and the league’s district chairladies and political commissars.

Some of the delegates who attended the induction meeting at the revolutionary party headquarters yesterday.

 Women’s League Secretary for Administration, Politburo member and also Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcast Services Cde Monica Mutsvangwa said the Second Republic had made tremendous achievements in the development of the country through road rehabilitation, dam construction and rural industrialisation agenda.

“You must go and tell the story of the Second Republic’s success in uplifting the standards of living of citizens,” she said. “Road rehabilitation, dam construction, rural industrialisation, power generation have been at the core of the administration and some people are against that, not knowing no country can develop without proper infrastructure.” 

Cde Mutsvangwa said the Women’s League members should educate people about the massive infrastructure investment, which President Mnangagwa was putting in place.

She stressed that no country could develop without proper road network and proper infrastructure.

Zanu PF Harare provincial Women’s League chairperson Cde Ratidzo Mukarati said there was need to provide trading spaces specifically for women

“We have challenges of trading spaces for women which needs urgent attention,” she said.

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