Zimbabwe fixes US dollar Beitbridge border toll fees

HARARE – Zimbabwe has ordered US dollar toll payments on commercial vehicles passing through the Beitbridge Border Customs Area as the Zanu PF led authority inadvertently dollarises the country’s economy with each passing policy instrument.

In statutory instrument 192 of 2022 issued Friday, the Transport and Infrastructural Development Ministry announced that from December this year, vehicle fees at the Beitbridge border post will be only in USD and South African Rand.

According to the ministry, in terms of section 6 of the Toll Roads Act (Chapter 13:13), …”any person in charge or driving a commercial vehicle passing through the Beitbridge Border Customs Area shall pay the project toll at the designated office of the Beitbridge Border Customs Area exclusively in USD or South African Rand as specified in the Schedule”.

The policy shift comes after Zimborders was awarded a contract to build a new border post and support amenities in Southern Africa’s busiest border post.

In return, the firm will run the border post for 17,5 years to recoup its investment through collection of toll fees.

The company also followed with a notice requesting customers to make the necessary measures to comply with the changes to avoid inconveniences.

“We would like to take this opportunity to advise our customers, as per revised Statutory Instrument published on 11 November 2022, ZWL will nolonger be accepted as the currency of receipt of vehicle country of registration.

“This will come into effect 1st December 2022 and request that you please make the necessary arrangements to ensure you are not inconvenienced at the border,” reads a notice from Zimborders.

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