Zimbabwe, Zambia meet over establishment of joint agro-industrial park 

Source: Zimbabwe, Zambia meet over establishment of joint agro-industrial park | The Herald

Zimbabwe, Zambia meet over establishment of joint agro-industrial park

Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter

The governments of Zimbabwe and Zambia are holding a validation workshop on the policy, legal and regulatory framework for the establishment of the agro-industrial park between the two countries.

The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding last year for the establishment of the agro-industrial park and today’s meeting is expected to decide the framework for the feasibility study among other issues.

The process is being done with the support of the United Nations Economic for Africa (UNECA), the Common Market for East and Southern Africa and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

The proposed project is expected to increase the availability of industrial goods and services for the bilateral market and expand intra- regional trade in manufacturing.

It will help develop industrialists that would acquire ownership and management of the industries, develop appropriate skills and knowledge in industries, strengthen collaboration and bolster networking among policy makers, regulators, industry and academia.

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