Mobile phone penetration: 87 percent of Zim households own cellphones, Zimstat

Source: Mobile phone penetration: 87 percent of Zim households own cellphones, Zimstat | The Herald

Herald Reporter

AT least 87 percent of Zimbabwean households in both urban and rural areas own mobile phones, a latest study by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (Zimstat) has revealed.

Presenting the 2022 Population and Housing Census preliminary report on housing characteristics and living conditions, Zimstat director general Mr Taguma Mahonde said mobile cellular telephones, radio and television sets were the main communication technology gadgets owned by households.

“About 87 percent of the households owned cellular telephones. Radio and television sets were evenly distributed, with 36.2 percent and 32.6 percent of the households, indicating ownership of the gadgets respectively,” he said.

Mr Mahonde said according to the study, a household implied a group of persons who, on the census night, stayed in the same dwelling unit, whether or not related by blood or marriage, including visitors.

He said these persons must have shared eating and sleeping arrangements, and acknowledged one person (male or female) as the head of household.

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