The Chronicle
Stephen Mpofu, Perspective
WITH our motherland not completely out of the West’s evil economic sanctions woods, but encouraged the warmth of some European union members, excluding this country’s former coloniser Britain — which has opted to resume business with Zimbabwe, and thanks to the Second Republic Government’s engagement and re-engagement exercise, and, even more importantly by God’s operating grace, Zimbabweans, each and everyone of us, MUST dread the possibility of self-immolation spurred by self-complacency.
As things stand, the sensational warmth of the rays of the sun of victory over imperialism’s regime change agenda should cause Zimbabweans to move forward as a free and independent people in order to protect and even increase the gains of the armed revolution that liberated our black race from the knuckles of colonialism under which those without knees behaved as though they were our Creator incarnate.
Which therefore impels each and everyone of us to jealously guard the freedom and liberties we enjoy together today so that these values are not snatched from under our noses only for us to wake up as also victims of local pawns of imperialism and with no political, economic or social freedoms that build a brave new future for generations to come.
Recently acts of armed robberies of cash from shops and from cash-in-transit vehicles in Harare and Bulawayo as well as acts of violence at some mines in Matabeleland South must make the hearts of every unmitigated Zimbabwean weary.
Violent crimes such as those in point above should make the Government take tougher, punitive measures to deter anyone and everyone in this country from evil intentions to reap where they did not sow.
At the same time legislators should consider promulgating laws that make deadly violent criminals smell death and visualise the hangman securing the noose to the gallows ready to vanquish deadly criminals from the face of our beloved country even though stringing up of criminals in public is no longer in practice under our human life — protecting rulers.
It may also be necessary to monitor strongly Zimbabweans returning from any neighbouring Sadc country, or natives resident in Zimbabwe from foreign countries where armed robberies and/or political violence are a culture.
As alludes to above in the achievements of the engagement processes by the Zanu-PF Government by increasing foreign investment interest in our country is something that must be warmly welcomed and encouraged to revise an economy wounded by Western sanctions in a bid to reverse through regime change the gains of our freedom and independence foe which some gallant sons and daughters of the soil sacrificed with their precious lives.
But no government anywhere in the globe will sink its nation’s hard-earned money in a foreign state where violent acts are seen to be ruling the roost.
Of even greater importance, with harmonised elections due next year no violent acts by any members of political parties contesting the polls must be tolerated at all as such acts paint a picture of a menacing, dark cloud hanging over our country and deterring foreign investment in the country.
Thus youths often loosed as knobkerries to brutalise and in the process intimidate members of rival political parties should be left alone so that a party’s good policies for the development of our country become the winner of elections against opponents in our country so that peace and stability become the lure of foreign investment.
In fact the youths, as a majority in our population, should be helped in cultivating a culture of tolerance, love and peace, values which will make them leaders in a future when oldies now in power have retired in whatever form that retirement comes.
Finally, therefore, and as briefly stated above, for Zimbabweans and other nations to remain intact and move forward developmentally it beholves on every single person to be insulated against self-destructive behaviour by embracing a culture of love — modelled on the almighty God’s love for the world which caused the Almighty to send His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die on that rugged cross at Calvary so that whoever loves him should not perish but have eternal life — tolerance, unity and peace.
Article Source: The Chronicle