14-year-old girl shines in Cambridge exams

Source: 14-year-old girl shines in Cambridge exams | The Herald

14-year-old girl shines in Cambridge exams
Tashinga Angel Muzanenhamo

Herald Reporter

A 14-year-old whizz-kid, Tashinga Angel Muzanenhamo, has defied odds after scoring all A’s in the Cambridge 2021 O-Level exams.

The extremely bright teenager who sat for her public exams at Arundel School in Harare added gloss to her achievements with eight A+ grades.

                                                                        Tashinga’s result slip.

Ordinarily, 16-year-olds write O-Level exams but she managed to defy odds.

Zimbabwean students across levels have proved to be some of the best in the world and this has culminated in several countries queuing for local professionals.

The country’s education system under the second republic is being configured towards the attainment of an upper-middle-income society by 2030.

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