7 miners killed in Colleen Bawn after they plunge 200 meters in shaft

GWANDA – Seven miners were killed on Sunday when they plunged down a 200-meter shaft after a rope from a winch snapped, officials said.

Officials from the ministry say no-one is expected to have survived.

Efforts to recover the bodies are underway at Bucks Mine near Colleen Bawn in Matabeleland South, said deputy mines minister Polite Kambamura.

Kambaruma said: “We have received the tragic news. It’s very unfortunate. We are making efforts to recover the seven bodies.

“Currently, there are teams from Vumbachikwe Mine and our officials from the ministry who are on the ground as we speak.”

Witnesses said the miners were being hoisted to the surface after the end of their shift when a rope hauling their lift snapped as they were about to reach the surface.

“They plunged back down in the shaft which is more than 200 meters deep,” one said.

The mine had been abandoned and its new owners only resumed operations earlier this month.

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