Shanyani Booking Pvt Ltd takes over Classic luyando

The Chronicle

Leonard Ncube in Victoria Falls

Shanyai Booking (Pvt) Ltd, a Harare based tourism and hospitality company, has taken over management of Victoria Falls based Zifa Southern Region Division 2 side Classic Luyando with the aim of transforming the club into a professional team.

The idea of takeover came as owners of both entities saw that they have similar vision in sport.

Classic Luyando management will continue until end of season for a smooth transition but the technical team will remain.

Shanyai Booking, with interest in Sub-Saharan Africa, plans to transform Classic Luyando into the largest team in Victoria Falls and challenge for topflight competitions and trophies within five years.

The deal has been welcomed by the community as a positive development that will also promote sports tourism and inject life into the resort city’s football which over the years has suffered from lack of sustainable sponsorship.

The tourism industry has over the years been accused of lacking interest in sponsoring sport despite the game having potential to support the industry.

The takeover is with effect from this week and already the team received a new kit and training equipment.

Lungisani Innocent Nyathi of Shanyai Booking said the tourism company will run Classic Luyando with the aim of bringing joy of football and sports in Victoria Falls.

“Shanyai Booking’s mission is to create a world class football team to challenge the future football leagues in Zimbabwe and beyond. We aim to support Victoria Falls sport tourism ecosystem for all operators in the tourism and hospitality industry with the particular aim to become visible and more competitive both locally and globally,” said Nyathi.

He said the company does not intend to let the soccer club die in its hands.

Nyathi said the deal will also benefit the community by uniting all stakeholders including business and fans.

“We are here to stay and we will work with the community in corporate social responsibility projects,” he said.

Club secretary Thabiso Rambo Chimutengo said the takeover was mutual.

“The agreement is mainly for the benefit of the community and the boys as some opportunities will come their way. We are happy as long as the community is benefitting. As Classic Luyando we will still be heading the technical team.” He said.

Classic Luayndo was established in 2012.

Shanyai Booking has been visible in sport before through sponsoring teams and this is first time the company is owning a club.

[email protected]

Article Source: The Chronicle

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