Acting President Chiwenga mourns Cont Mhlanga

The Chronicle

Mashudu Netsianda, Senior Reporter

Acting President Constantino Chiwenga today visited the late playwright and film maker Cont Mhlanga’s home in Nguboyenja to pay his condolences to the family.

He was accompanied by his wife, Miniyothabo Baloyi, Bulawayo Provincial Affairs Minister Judith Ncube and service chiefs.

Addressing mourners, Acting President Chiwenga said Mhlanga played a significant role in uplifting lives through arts and culture.

He said legacy would continue to live on long after his death.

“I am saddened by Cont’s death. He played a big role in the creative and arts industries and a lot of our artists went through his hands. His legacy must not die,” he said.

The Acting President said government decided to accord Mhlanga with State assisted funeral in recognition of his works and contribution to the country’s creative and arts industry.

“The President went to Mozambique on business and assigned me to come and pass his heart felt condolence message to the Mhlanga family and notifying you of the decision to accord the late Mhlanga a State assisted funeral,” he said.

“I would like to say may his soul rest in peace. We will forever cherish your works,” said Acting President Chiwenga.

Acting President Chiwenga later left for Entumbane suburb where he is set to preside over the national clean up exercise.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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