Business mentoring for youths

The Chronicle

Flora Fadzai Sibanda, Online Reporter

MORE than 30 youngsters from Pelandaba suburb in Bulawayo on 4 March benefitted from a youth empowerment programme which is meant to help young people think of business ideas and shy away from drug and substance abuse.

The programme was hosted by Mr Ganizani Phiri, an entrepreneur who is running an SME called Ocean Bird International in Zimbabwe and Botswana.

It was held under the theme youth in business.

Youths shared business ideas and the host gave them ideas on how they can raise capital to start businesses.

They were taught how to keep a business running and benefit from it.

Three project ideas that were deemed promising were identified and youths were put in groups to manage the projects.

Youths pleaded with the entrepreneur to host more such programmes and invite more business people to increase chances of getting sponsors for start-ups.

Youths at Mr Phiri’s entrepreneurship programme

A beneficiary, Mr Ruvarashe Gwadzi applauded the host.

He said he realised a lot can be achieved in business without an excessive initial capital outlay.

“A lot of youths have nothing to do and getting such mentorship will help them to think of business ideas that will stop them from abusing drugs. I hope this won’t be the last time we hear about this project. He should come back and help us to fully establish the businesses,” said Mr Gwadzi.

Another youth Ms Nometha Ncube said she enjoyed the programme as the host explained to them how a business is started and kept running, in simple language.

She said she learnt that that starting a business does not need a lot of capital.

“The lesson was really powerful because if we are to act on what were taught we would be able to get good businesses that will make us shy away from drug and substance abuse. A lot of youths engage in drug and substance abuse because they have nothing to do and believe in order to start businesses, large capital is needed,” said Ms Ncube.

Mr Phiri said he wished to see youths in the community starting their own businesses and making a living for themselves instead of abusing drugs and wasting their Iives.

He said he is going to help the youths get investors so the three projects they pitched can kickstart.

“As future leaders, we need to start taking part in nation building and complimenting the Government in easing unemployment through entrepreneurship. That is why l decided to host this programme.   I urge young people to join the breed of youths who are in business so we can all be successful,” said Mr Phiri.


Article Source: The Chronicle

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