CCC admits journalist assault by party security, issues apology

HARARE – Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has admitted its party security assaulted NewsHawks journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje when the scribe was making her way into Gadzema Grounds, venue for party leader Nelson Chamisa’s Chinhoyi rally on Sunday.

Voice of America journalist Nunurai Jena was also harassed by party security as he also tried to gain access to the venue.

The attack on scribes has been met with strong condemnation by journalist groups which urged parties to deal with their “rogue” elements.

In a statement, party spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere issued an apology over Muchenje’s assault after the incident had been widely publicised Sunday.

Mahere said the journalist was attacked just as security was trying to manage chaotic scenes which were triggered by an attempted assassination on Chamisa by unknown assailants when the opposition leader’s convoy was entering the venue.

“In the midst of this emergency response effort, a misunderstanding arose between journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje and one of our security officers leading to a regrettable incident of assault,” Mahere said.

“Our communications team immediately stepped in to de-escalate the incident.

“We have since approached Ruvimbo Muchenje directly to offer our unreserved apology for the incident.

“She graciously accepted our apology.”

Added the CCC spokesperson, “For the avoidance of doubt, we remain committed to ensuring a free and safe environment for journalists who cover our events.

“Journalism is never a crime. Lessons have been learnt from this incident and we are improving our protocols to ensure such an incident does not transpire in the future.”

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