COMMENT: Government working hard to bring services close to communities

The Chronicle

COMMUNITIES, mainly in rural areas, have started enjoying the fruits of the Government’s Devolution Policy whereby the priority list of development projects to be implemented comes from the people.
Government is availing resources to local authorities who in consultation with the people decide on projects to implement. This has seen councils constructing clinics, schools, bridges, roads and many other such facilities meant to improve the people’s welfare.

Most services are now within walking distance in many areas as Government through councils, is pushing for services to be at the people’s doorsteps.
Several clinics have been built in Matabeleland and similar developments are happening in different parts of the country as Government works to improve the provision of health services.

It is these life-changing projects which have endeared the Second Republic Government to the people much to the chagrin of doomsayers.

Central Government is also directly implementing major infrastructural development projects across the country as it works to create an enabling environment for economic growth. The major projects being undertaken include the construction of the Harare-Beitbridge Highway, the modernisation of the Beitbridge Border Post, upgrading of Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, the construction of Lake Gwayi-Shangani, the construction of a pipeline from Lake Gwayi-Shangani to Bulawayo and construction of Kunzvi Dam among others.

The citizens are enjoying improved livelihoods following the completion of some of the projects while local companies that are implementing the projects are reaping huge profits.

Government is walking the talk as it fulfils its promise to the electorate that nobody and no place will be left behind when it comes to development. President Mnangagwa is in Beitbridge today to commission some of the completed works under the US$300 million Beitbridge Border Post modernisation.

Beitbridge is one of the busiest border posts in Africa as it serves as the transit point for most of the north-south traffic in the Sadc region. We want at this juncture to commend Government for working hard to bring services close to communities.

The challenge to communities is to ensure that the infrastructure at the new facilities such as clinics is not vandalised. There have been reports of thieves stealing solar panels at clinics hence the need for the communities to jealously guard these facilities.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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