Guard injured as 4 armed thugs target Tendai Biti’s home

HARARE – A security guard was left with horrific injuries after four men armed with axes and a gun tried to enter the home of Citizens Coalition for Change deputy leader Tendai Biti early Wednesday.

Biti’s mother, who was home, was unharmed in the attack.

The CCC said the four thugs arrived shortly midnight and attacked the guard at the house in the exclusive neighbourhood of Glen Lorne.

The party circulated a video of the security guard narrating how the men pulled axes and started striking him repeatedly on the head and arms.

He sustained deep cuts on the head and arms.

The motive for the attack was unclear, but Emmanuel Gumbo, an aide to Biti, tweeted that the men “issued death threats on Biti’s life.”

Biti is campaigning to be voted MP in the Harare East constituency with by-elections set to be held on March 26.

The incident comes amid a wave of attacks on CCC supporters, the party says by thugs from the ruling Zanu PF party and state agents.

On Sunday, a CCC supporter was stabbed to death while attending a rally in Kwekwe. More attacks have been reported in Epworth and Zegeza.

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