Highlanders fire Mandla Mpofu and his assistants

The Chronicle

Ricky Zililo, Senior Sports Reporter

Highlanders have fired head coach Mandla ‘Lulu’ Mpofu, assistant Bekithemba Ndlovu and welfare manager Vezigama Dlodlo following a string of poor results.

Joel Luphahla, who joined the club from Golden Arrows in March, survived the axe.

It’s not clear if goalkeepers’ coach Julius Ndlovu and fitness trainer Harold Nhachi survived the chop.

Club sources said the team’s failure to convincingly beat an out of sorts Dynamos on Sunday fast tracked the firing of Mpofu.

Bosso chairman Johnfat Sibanda and his deputy Fiso Siziba delivered the news to Mpofu in a meeting on Tuesday.

The dissolution of the Bosso technical team comes two days after their match against Dynamos was abandoned with Highlanders leading 1-0.

“A decision has been made to relieve almost all members of the technical team and leave Joel Luphahla temporarily in charge while looking for a substantive coach. The members of the technical team were told today. They were supposed to have been told on Monday at the weekly technical meeting, but there was no quorum so it was postponed to today,” said a club source.

Mpofu leaves Bosso in 13th place with 16 points from 13 games on the league table.

…more details to follow

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Article Source: The Chronicle

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