Land barons arrested for extorting cash in Mnangagwa’s name

HARARE – Police say they have arrested some land barons and other criminals who have been abusing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s name as a licence to extort cash and other expensive property from unsuspecting business owners and individuals.

In a statement Saturday, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said suspects were duping individuals and businesses while claiming they have been tasked by Mnangagwa or the first lady to collect some cash on the couple’s behalf.

The culprits claim they would be fundraising or collecting money for various activities which include dinner dances, workshops, land sales and other criminal activities.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police strongly warns these individuals or groups that the law will take its course without fear or favour,” Nyathi said.

“Arrests are being effected and these include some land barons in Harare, Banket and other towns who are openly abusing his Excellency, President ED Mnangagwa’s name for personal gain.”

Police threatened to name and shame those who have been arrested and “some who are on the radar of investigations and facing arrest soon”.

Soliciting for funds and material donations is usually common towards major Zanu PF events or those linked to the first family.

Zanu PF is set to hold its elective congress next month.

However, some business persons and entities usually make their donations not so much to do with any benevolence on their part but to seek favours to do with tenders or protection when they get into trouble in future.

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