LIVE: Zimbabwe turns 42

The Chronicle

13:02 – President has concluded his speech. He says the community and campus radios should be used for nation building

13:01 – Young people will benefit from the expanded vocational training programmes to enhance production and productivity among the young people -President Mnangagwa.

13:00 – President has commended Zimbabweans for participation in the National Clean-up campaign and called for the scaling up of the initiative in various companies.

12:59 – Good governance is non-negotiable, hence local authorities would live to the aspirations of the people.

12:58 – It is work in progress to regularise all illegal settlements countrywide – President Mnangagwa

The President has hailed efforts to address welfare issues of workers through the Tripartite Negotiating Forum.

12:57 – President has called on Zimbabweans to remain alert to the Covid-19 pandemic and urged parents and guardians to ensure that their children aged 12 years and above are vaccinated.

12:56 – Independence Day was a collective effort hence the welfare of freedom fighters will continue to be reviewed in honour of their sacrifices.

Diasporans remain welcome to return to the country and should also invest in the country

12:55 – He says the Judicial Service Commission will establish courts in Nkulumane and Entumbane suburbs.

He also says there will be no more fees required in the attainment of IDs and birth certificates.

12:53 – President Mnangagwa underscores that the right to life is sacred and is provided for through a sound health delivery system which is at the heart of the Government.

He urges the youth to shun drugs

12:50 – Proportional representation in the National Assembly has been extended for women while 30 percent quota for women in local authorities has been introduced.

12:45 – Parents and guardians are encouraged to encourage children aged between 12 years and above to get vaccinated.

The Government is working to provide affordable houses.

The Government is also working to address the plight of workers including domestic workers.

12:40 – Seventeen airlines are now operating in Zimbabwe from the three that were operating before the Second Republic came to power.

Normalcy has returned to the education sector following years of disruptions by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Boarding schools to be constructed at district levels.

The Government will soon introduce phased free education scheme.

12:38 – Artisanal small scale miners contributed 62% of the gold deliveries to Fidelity Printers in 2021.

The development of rural industrialisation is being prioritised leveraging on resources available in communities.

Capacity utilisation in manufacturing sector has risen above 65 percent resulting in the increase in local products in the markets.

12:35 – Infrastructure development expansion is being speeded up across all provinces. The Beitbridge-Harare Road will be completed by year end.

12:33 – Government has made provision to provide for the food insecure. Gwayi Shangani Dam will be completed during the course of this year and solve Bulawayo perennial water problems.

The long outstanding construction of Tuli-Manyange Dam in Matabeleland South are progressing well.

12:30 – Productivity, innovation and entrepreneurial work should guide economic development. Zimbabweans both at home and abroad have a responsibility to find their niche and help develop Zimbabwe.

12:27 – The days of Harare being bambazonke are gone as Government forges ahead with the devolution strategy. No ONE and no place should be left behind as the country forges towards vision 2030.

To this end, the Second Republic is thriving to improve the economy in all sectors.

12:25 – He says this year’s celebrations are historic as they are being held for first time outside Harare.

12:23 – President Mnangagwa takes to the podium to deliver the keynote national independence celebration address…

He acknowledges the presence of distinguished delegates who include VP Chiwenga, diplomatic community, ministers, traditional leaders, senior Government officials, opposition political party leaders, service chiefs, liberation struggle veterans and thousands of Zimbabweans.

12:20 – “His Excellency, President  Mnangagwa lighting the Independence Flame. A flame that will not be extinguished in our lives,” says Mr Nick Mangwana, Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary.

12:14 – The crowd continues to swell ere at Somhlolo Stadium in Lupane as people from all walks of life attend the Matabeleland North Provincial 42nd independence celebrations

11:52 – In Beitbridge , celebrations are being held at Dulivhadzimu Stadium, where residents are still coming in small numbers, with the majority of them reported to have travelled for the national programme in Bulawayo.

The Minister of State for Midlands Provincial Affairs and Devolution Larry Mavima inspecting the parade

11:15 – President Mnangagwa has arrived and his arrival marks the official start of Independence Day celebrations.

To kick-start the event the national anthem is being sang.

President Mnangagwa proceeds to inspect the guard.

11:01 – People have started arriving at the Lupane venue ahead of the celebrations.

Dignitaries and VIPs who include Matabeleland North Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Richard Moyo and Service Chiefs have arrived and are in a briefing at the Lupane District Development Coordinator office before they come to the venue for start of the proceedings

10:52 – Service chiefs led by the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Philip Valerio Sibanda arrive at Barbourfields Stadium.

10:36 – In Matabeleland North, provincial celebrations are being held in Lupane at Somhlolo Stadium, where about 5 000 people from across the province are expected to gather.

An independence parade made up of ZNA, ZPCS and police started marching from Lupane centre at the bus terminus to the venue. Children joined in the March behind the procession

10:14 – A 15-member Independence Flame Torch relay team is waiting to get things rolling.

The team will light a torch and move to the city centre, Makokoba, Mzilikazi suburbs and Barbourfields Stadium, where the main celebrations are taking place. There President Mnangagwa will light the Independence Flame.

10:10 – Scenes at Mkoba Stadium in Gweru where the provincial independence celebrations are taking place

It has been drizzling since 6AM and people are braving the chilly weather to celebrate the Uhuru.

10:03 – People are making their way to Barbourfields Stadium where the main Independence Day celebrations are being held.

Already there are long winding queues outside the stadium.

People who will come late, risk being turned away.


HISTORY is being made in Bulawayo today as the city, for the first time since 1980, hosts the country’s main Independence celebrations at Barbourfields Stadium in line with the Second Republic’s devolution and decentralisation thrust.

The Independence Day celebrations  are being held under the theme: “[email protected] 42 — Leaving no one and no place behind.”

In the past, Independence Day celebrations were held in Harare.

Thousands of Zimbabweans are expected to gather at the iconic football field for the momentous event that will be spiced up by entertainment from schoolchildren, musicians, Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Zimbabwe Republic Police, Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service drills, among others.

President Mnangagwa hosted the Children’s Party at State House in Bulawayo ahead of today’s main celebrations

The Children’s Party held at State House in yesterday ran under the same theme.

President Mnangagwa hosted the Children’s Party at State House in Bulawayo ahead of today’s main celebrations.

Also yesterday, the Independence Flame and Independence Trophy were taken on a seven-hour tour of Bulawayo’s western suburbs.

The Independence Flame touring Bulawayo suburbs

From Saturday, The Independence Flame was resting at Khami National Monument and was  guarded by members of the police overnight.

In the morning a convoy of security details took the flame from the top of the King’s enclosure at the Khami National Monument, mounted it on the back of a truck, then it was taken to koBullet in Nketa.

The Uhuru Flame at the Joshua Nkomo statue

There, Government officials such as Minister Ncube welcomed it, with Zimbabwe football giants, Highlanders and Dynamos supporters, officials and players and residents waiting for the Independence Flame.

The two teams then joined the convoy, as a way to hype their match today at Barbourfields Stadium as they play for the Independence Trophy.

Highlanders FC captain Ariel Sibanda and his Dynamos counterpart Partson Jaure were at the back of a pick-up parading the Independence Trophy.

Highlanders FC captain Ariel Sibanda and his Dynamos counterpart Partson Jaure

At midnight there was a fireworks display at the Tower Block Municipal.

Fireworks lit up the Bulawayo night sky at midnight

Join us for live updates from Barbourfields Stadium.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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