Man (17) murders grandfather (59) with brick over supper

The Chronicle

Michael Magoronga, Midlands Correspondent

A 17-year-old Shurugwi man has been arrested after he fatally struck his 59-year-old grandfather with a brick on the chest over an argument involving supper.

The man, who was not named by police, was arrested in Gweru after committing the offence in Shurugwi.

National Police Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident which happened on June 1 at Mhuri Village in Shurugwi.

“Police in Gweru arrested a 17-year-old suspect in connection with a case of murder which occurred at Mhuri Village in Shurugwi. The suspect hit his grandfather aged 59 with a brick on the chest after an argument involving supper. The victim latter died upon admission at Zvamavande Hospital More information will be availed as investigations continue,’ said Ass Comm Nyathi.

In another incident, Police in Gokwe are investigating a murder case where a man was axed to death at Muraiwa Village in Gokwe North.

According to police, the now deceased, Trymore Mpofu (28) and his brother Simon Mpofu (20), pounced on John Kufa’s homestead armed with machetes claiming that Kufa was involved in an extra marital affair with their sister-in-law.

“The now deceased, Mpofu, struck Kufa’s wife Zorodzai Paanosvitsa (35) with a machete on the hand. This led Kufa to pick up an axe and struck Mpofu once on the head and he died on the spot,” said police.

In an unrelated case, Police in Gokwe are investigating a robbery case which occurred on 31 May at a shop at Manhede Business Centre.

“Six unknown suspects attacked a shop owner with a catapult before stealing US$1200 cash, various groceries, clothes, blankets and six cellphones,” said Ass Comm Nyathi.

Police have since launched a manhunt for the suspects and are appealing for anyone with information that may lead to their arrest to approach the nearest police station.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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