More police deployed to deal with festive season crimes

The Chronicle

Nqobile Tshili, Chronicle Reporter
THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has deployed more details countrywide to protect and serve citizens during the festive season.

Police said the festive season is synonymous with an upsurge in criminal activities such as armed robberies, murder, rape, drug abuse, stock-theft and unlawful entry and theft.

A campaign dubbed “Join Hands in Preventing Crime and Road Carnage” which will run during the course of the festive season from December 15 to January 15, has been launched.
The campaign is aimed to ensure that all criminal activities in communities and reckless driving conduct on the roads are decisively dealt.

In a statement yesterday, Police Commissioner General Godwin Matanga said: “My office has observed that this period attracts a lot of attention as fatal and serious road traffic accidents are recorded on the country’s roads. Criminal acts are likely to increase as evidenced by recorded cases of armed robbery, murder, rape, drug abuse, stock theft and unlawful entry and theft.

“The ZRP will therefore deploy adequately to ensure police officers are visible so that peace prevails in communities, on the roads, public gatherings and any other place where the public has access. Stern action will be taken against pirate taxis (mushikashika operators) and motorists who drive recklessly with no regard for the rights of other road users.”

The Zimbabwe Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ)

He said he has directed Officers Commanding Police Provinces to ensure there is more visibility of cops on the country’s major roads.

Commissioner General Matanga said police will arrest criminal elements who commit armed robberies, murder, rape, stock theft and those who engage in illicit drug activities.

“May I implore the public not to keep large sums of money at home or business premises as this attracts criminals. Above all, the public should not relax during the festive period but remain alert in terms of family security and their property,” said Commissioner-General Matanga.

“Suspicious criminal movements should be quickly reported to the police for swift action to be taken. Companies should ensure that their security is beefed up with those entities conducting cash-in-transit activities urged to work closely with the Zimbabwe Republic Police to curb armed robbery cases.”

He said parents and guardians should monitor the movement of children to curb cases of child sexual abuse, drowning and drug abuse.

Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara)

Commissioner-General Matanga said police will roll out road safety campaigns in partnership with the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ), Vehicle Examination Department (VED) and Zimbabwe National Road Authority (Zinara) to reduce road carnage.

Commissioner-General Matanga said the public should co-operate with police officers deployed on patrols, roadblocks and other duties to ensure that law and order is maintained during the holidays.

“May I urge all drivers to be exemplary on the roads and promote road safety at all times. All unroadworthy and plate-less vehicles will be impounded by the police. Drivers should not speed or overload vehicles with passengers or goods. The mixing of goods and passengers will not be tolerated by the police during this holiday as this contributes to road traffic accidents,” he said.

Traffic at Beitbridge Border Post

The police boss encouraged commuter bus operators’ associations to lead by example and promote road safety during this festive season. He said this includes employment of licensed drivers who are 25 years and above and ensuring that they observe speed limits at all times.

He said cops will arrest touts and unruly elements causing chaos at bus termini and ranks.
Commissioner-General Matanga said no one should be forced to board a public service vehicle by anyone through force or threats.

“May I implore the travelling public to report anyone who harasses them while trying to board public service vehicles en-route to various destinations. At Beitbridge Border Post, the Zimbabwe Republic Police has arrested 863 touts popularly known as “Cobras,” from 1 October 2022 to date. They have since appeared in court,” he said. — @nqotshili

Article Source: The Chronicle

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