Source: Moreblessing Ali now an angel: Sikhala -Newsday Zimbabwe
INCARCERATED Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) politician Job Sikhala says the late Moreblessing Ali is now an angel, revealing that she visited him in a dream.
Sikhala has been in prison for over one and a half years after he was arrested for inciting public violence at the funeral of Ali, who was murdered by a Zanu PF supporter Pius Jamba Mukandi.
In his letter penned from prison dated December 14, Sikhala said Ali had reincarnated as an angel.
“Few days ago, I saw her in her dream flying like an angel in white garments coming where I was standing with some people in my company,” Sikhala wrote.
“I asked those who were with me in that dream, whether the person who was flying to us was not Moreblessing Ali.
“They told me that it was truly her. I further asked them why she was not walking, but flying in wings.
“I can’t share more of what she said to me after she landed where we were standing.”
Jamba was recently convicted of murdering Ali and is awaiting sentence.
He allegedly dismembered her body and threw it in a well at his mother’s homestead in Beatrice in June last year.
Sikhala, who alleged political persecution, said the country was now lacking moral leaders who can speak against evil machinations of the State.
“It’s sad that the nation is now bereft of moral leaders since the bewitching of Archbishop Pius Ncube, Mercenarism has creeped in,” he wrote.
Ncube resigned in 2007 after he was shamed by the State over allegations of adultery.
“They lined up for dirty cars and dirty money from the oppressor, deforming the name of God,” Sikhala said.
“They can’t speak a word in the face of gross injustice being perpetrated against me.”
He bemoaned the living conditions at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison, where he is incarcerated.
“During this period of hot weather and electricity blackouts in the dark solitary dungeon where you can hold the thick of darkness, I wake up during the middle of the night, the room is fully flooded with my sweat, mosquitos having completed feasting breakfast, lunch and supper from my bare body,” Sikhala said.
He said despite the hardships, he remained committed to fighting for the oppressed.
“That is why I am passionately prepared to die for the poor and the downtrodden,” Sikhala said.
“They deserve complete protection and shelter from those who wield power.
“I lived the experience and the new experience I am going through has strengthened me.
“I have witnessed some becoming mentally unstable, after a few weeks of solitary confinement where I am currently detained.”
Zimbabweans at home and abroad once petitioned President Emmerson Mnangagwa to intervene to secure Sikhala’s release.
Government officials, however, said Mnangagwa could not intervene in respect for the principle of separation of powers between the Judiciary and Executive.
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