Mysterious dead donkey found at Mpopoma house

The Chronicle

Mbulelo Mpofu, Chronicle Reporter

RESIDENTS of Mpopoma suburb in Bulawayo are in shock after they woke up to ‘scenes’ of a dead donkey at the gate of a neighbour’s house in Block 81 today.

Circumstances surrounding how the donkey died are still sketchy but there are many suspicions being thrown around.

One resident who only identified himself as Mr Mbono said the donkey died because of cruelty by firewood poachers who move around residential areas seeking clients.

“I suspect this donkey was yoked on a scotch cart and suddenly died. Realising what had happened, those on the cart could have decided to dump it on the roadside, near the gate of this house,” said Mr Mbono.

He pointed to what seemed like drag marks on the road near the place where the donkey was dumped.

Another resident who preferred anonymity said the donkey might have died from blunt trauma after being attacked.

“This donkey was killed by someone who had struck it by a blunt object and decided to dump it here,” said the resident.

Drag marks alleged to be the donkey’s

Others suspected it was linked to witchcraft.

“It’s mind-boggling to wake up to a dead donkey at the gate. Someone must have been practicing witchcraft and things went south,” said another resident.

Police officers who arrived at the scene examined the donkey carcass and noted that it looked healthy and had no signs of physical abuse.

The matter has been reported to the Bulawayo City Council to consider removing the carcass.

– @eMKlass_49

Article Source: The Chronicle

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