Source: The Chronicle – Breaking news
Image taken from ShutterstockSukulwenkosi Dube-Matutu,
Plumtree Town Council has proposed a 2024 annual budget of $54 billion with the bulk of it going towards capital projects in line with the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).
Presenting a budget statement during a full council meeting on Monday, Plumtree Town Council finance committee chairperson, Clr Percy Sibanda said the local authority will formulate strategies that will be used to boost revenue collection.
“The council’s overall budget for the 2024 financial year amounts to $54 034 736 274,09 while expenditure amounts to $54 030 031 846,89. The council was able to consult residents and ratepayers at their respective wards, and special interest groups such as the business community, Government departments, and parastatals were also consulted during the crafting of the 2024 budget formulation process,” he said.
“The consultations were also extended to WhatsApp platforms where groups for stakeholders were opened to get submissions from those who were unable to attend budget consultations meetings for various reasons.”
Clr Sibanda said $20 billion, which translates to 38 percent of the budget, has been allocated towards capital projects. Capital projects will target various sectors which include social services, emergency services, public safety, education, water services, and solid waste management.
He said the 2024 budget priorities were drawn from the 14 thematic areas of NDS1. Clr Sibanda said the projects were carefully selected and distributed across the town in line with the agenda “leaving no one and no place behind.”
“The total capital expenditure budget allocation for 2024 is $20 363 137 461,15 to be funded by own revenue, devolution fund, beer levy, and Zinara grants. Council is funding from its own resources $4 658 644 281,39 while the balance of $15 704 493 179,76 will be funded through devolution and Zinara grants,” said Clr Sibanda.
“In the spirit of devolution and constitutionalism, the council has been allocated by the national treasury, an inter-governmental fiscal transfer grant (IGFT) of $15 102 587 100 consisting of $1 041 558 000 and $14 061 029 100 for operational overheads and capital projects respectively.”
Clr Sibanda said the IGFT grant will be channeled towards water, sanitation, and hygiene programmes, education, health, and procurement of ICT facilities among other projects.
This is aimed at ensuring the provision of quality service to the residents of Plumtree.
Plumtree Town Council
“When crafting this budget, the local authority considered achieving and accomplishing the country’s Vision 2030 of becoming an upper middle-income economy. This was enshrined in the selection of capital projects to be implemented during the financial year 2024,” said Clr Sibanda.
“The council’s budget theme for the year 2024 is ‘Consolidating the positive gains of economic transformation” which is in line with the national theme. This thrust was informed by extensive citizen engagement through wide consultations with stakeholders and residents at large.”
Clr Sibanda said the theme seeks to scale up domestic resource mobilisation, and deepen local economic transformation while at the same time promoting both domestic and foreign investment.
He said the council will put in place various measures to boost revenue collection. Clr Sibanda said they plan to expand their revenue base by embracing emerging industries such as SMEs, vendors, and other traders, especially the digital market.
He said they have also crafted and reviewed some by-laws which are yet to be approved. Clr Sibanda said the by-laws are part of enforcement mechanisms that are aimed at enhancing compliance within the town.
He said proven revenue collection will also be underpinned by the adoption of new technologies in areas such as housing administration, meter reading, billing, parking and debtors’ management.
Clr Sibanda said the council will continuously monitor and review the revenue collection strategies for them to always remain relevant and effective.
He urged rate payers to timeously settle their bills for the local authority to continue providing the required services.
“In order to mitigate the huge infrastructure backlog in our town, the council has budgeted for critical projects that include the Mathendele outfall sewer project, Plumtree Brooke water reservoir, Mathendele Primary School, Dingumuzi Clinic roofing and equipping and road construction equipment,” said Clr Sibanda.
“We are very much aware of the fact that the available traditional revenue sources may be inadequate to achieve all these goals. We, therefore, plead to the entire Plumtree community both local and diaspora communities to join hands with the local authority in this fight to make the Plumtree we want.”
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