Police to crackdown on crime during holidays

The Chronicle

Sukulwenkosi Dube-Matutu, Online Reporter

POLICE Commissioner General Godwin Matanga has said the ZRP has deployed enough officers to ensure crime free Easter and Independence holidays.

In a statement on the 2022 Easter and Independence holidays police duties, Comm General Matanga urged members of the public to observe the law and be on the lookout for law breakers. He said over the holidays motorists tend to be over excited leading to road carnages.

The police commissioner general said law breakers take advantage of the holidays to commit offences.

“As the nation braces for the forthcoming Easter and Independence Holidays the Zimbabwe Republic Police assures the public of their security throughout the country. The police have deployed adequate personnel to conduct patrols, stop and searches, blitz, roadblocks and surveillance on criminal movement during the holidays,” he said.

Comm General Matanga added: “Travelers are implored to be alert and avoid being overexcited especially motorists on the roads. Drivers should set a good example by exhibiting a conduct which promotes road safety at all the times. Motorists should avoid overtaking in situations which are not safe to do so or speeding thereby contributing to road carnage normally experience during holidays.”

He said police will be on high alert and all road unworthy vehicles will be impounded while motorists driving under the influence of alcohol will be arrested.

Comm General Matanga said the public service vehicle operators had to ensure their cars were road worthy. He said police will also be on the alert for robbery cases which increase during the holidays.

“The police will be on high alert to account for robbery suspects and others who commit criminal acts while taking advantage of the holidays. In the same vein business people and individuals are urged to avoid keeping large sums of money in their premises as this will attract criminals.”

The police commissioner general also urged parents and guardians to supervise children in order to curb cases of drowning, child abuse and other criminal offences targeted at children.

He also implored the public to continue observing Covid-19 regulations. Comm General Matanga appealed to members of the public to cooperate with police officers as they enforce the law.

“The police will therefore continue to enforce the regulations which govern the wearing of face masks, social distancing and sanitising,” he said.

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Article Source: The Chronicle

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