Police to defend Emmerson Mnangagwa

Source: Police to defend Emmerson Mnangagwa

A police officer who is also a state witness in a case in which five opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activists are being charged with participating in a gathering with intent to commit public violence, or violating Covid-19 lockdown regulations two years ago, has told the court that they are told to defend Zimbabwe president Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The quintet is being represented by human rights lawyer, Alec Muchadehama.

One of the CCC activists and former Zimbabwe National Students Union (Zinasu) leader Makomborero Haruzivishe, who is also being charged for the crime, has been giving an outline of the court proceedings on social media.

Read On:

Witness: We picked a placard written ‘ED MUST GO’

Adv Muchadehama: Is there anything wrong with saying ‘ED MUST GO’

Adv Muchadehama: Did the placard prescribe how ED must go?

Witness: NO

Adv Muchadehama: So how is it wrong?

Witness: As a police officer we are told to defend ED.

Adv: Why do you find ‘ED must go’ offensive?

Witness: Coz they want to remove president.

Adv: Why do you say ED refers to the president?

Witness: He is the one called ED.

Adv: There is a president of a political party called Egypt Dzinemunenzva. He is also called ED.

Witness: Hooo

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