Russia Attacks Ukraine: Zimbabwe Pleads With European Countries

The Zimbabwean Embassy in Berlin has pleaded with European countries to allow Zimbabwean nationals free passage from Ukraine.

Source: Russia Attacks Ukraine: Zimbabwe Pleads With European Countries – The Zimbabwean

Third countries that are expected to allow Zimbabweans free passage include Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Russia.

A letter written by the embassy to Zimbabweans stranded in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion of the country on Thursday reads:

Please be advised that the holder of this letter is a Zimbabwean citizen, seeking a safe passage through Ukraine and the bordering countries en route to Zimbabwe.

The Government of Zimbabwe will sponsor the shelter, food and air tickets to Zimbabweans, en route to Zimbabwe.

The Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe in Berlin avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassies the assurances of its highest consideration.

Russia on Thursday launched an invasion of Ukraine by air, land and sea from the east, south and north, causing a cessation of all flights in and out of the country thereby leaving foreign nationals inl=cluding Zimbabweans stranded.

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