The Chronicle
Showbiz Reporter
Locals who were hoping to “be killed by the Skhosana beat” at the Vic Falls Carnival after seeing him on a poster of the event have been dealt a major blow as it turns out the poster was fake.
Following the announcement of Andrea The Vocalist as one of the performing artistes at this year’s edition last week, a poster of Skhosana with the carnival branding started circulating shortly after.
The poster that was shared by many seemed legit although it did not have Skhosana’s name on top and was not shared officially by the event’s organisers, giving it away. But, it seems many fell for it and the poster did the rounds, prompting event organisers to communicate that the poster was fake.
“Well, this artist announcement came even as a surprise to us! We’re not sure where he is performing but not at #VFC2023,” communicated event organisers on Sunday.
They urged people to rely on the carnival’s official pages for communication regards the event to avoid being scammed. This was also the case for the event’s tickets where they urged people to be shy away from buying tickets from individuals.
“Keep your eyes on our feed or website for official announcements,” they said.
Article Source: The Chronicle