Teacher rapes unconscious student after spiking her water

HARARE – A Glen View 1 high school teacher has been convicted by a Harare magistrate for a callous rape attack on his 17-year-old student he had offered a glass of water spiked with an unknown substance to induce her unconsciousness.

Prosecutors proved that Admire Kafurura, 29, took advantage of the girl when she had visited his office for extra lessons.

Court was told during trial that on the day of the offence, the girl had informed Kafurura she was not feeling well and was unable to sit for lessons.

On the pretext of assisting her ease her health problem, Kafurura gave the girl a glass of water which he had spiked.

After drinking the water, she suddenly felt dizzy and passed out.

When she gained consciousness, court heard during trial, she saw Kafurura fastening his belt in a sign he was dressing up.

She also noticed she was not dressed with her clothes now beside her.

The court heard she realised she had been raped and went for medical examination at Family Support Clinic which confirmed her fears.

The matter was later reported to the police leading to Kafurura’s arrest.

Kafurura had been out on bail during trial but was locked up following his conviction by magistrate Ignitio Mhene.

He is expected back in court this Thursday for mitigation and sentencing.

Shepherd Makonde is representing the State.

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