Zanu PF convoy overruns Goromonzi tollgate

HARARE – Rowdy Zanu PF supporters overran a tollgate in Goromonzi, Mashonaland East, after destroying a side gate and driving through in a convoy of nearly 15 vehicles, witnesses said.

The Zanu PF supporters were returning from Marondera where they drove around the town before a rally attended by hundreds at Rudhaka Stadium.

ZimLive heard that four buses arrived at the tollgate enroute Harare at around 6.30PM, and rowdy Zanu PF supporters disgorged and harassed ZINARA staff demanding free passage.

After ZINARA employees refused to let them through without paying the US$4 or Z$1,400 toll fees for each bus, the Zanu PF mob forced open the boom gate and waved the buses through as deployed police officers watched on helplessly.

One motorist who was passing through the tollgate said: “Just after the buses left, another convoy of between 12 and 15 Zanu PF vehicles displaying President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s pictures pulled up. They also demanded to be let through, but ZINARA employees refused them passage, pointing out that they had no exemptions for free passage.

“A stand-off ensued and at one point they manhandled the ZINARA supervisor threatening to beat him up. As this was happening, others forced open a side gate used by construction vehicles and their vehicles drove through. It was an orgy of lawlessness.”

Zanu PF supporters have been known to try and avoid paying toll fees by displaying stickers obtained during party events like the annual conference and congress.

Police officers fearful of upsetting Zanu PF officials have been known to let such vehicles through at roadblocks – emphasising the erosion of professionalism in the police due to the ruling party’s politicisation of law enforcement.

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