ZANU-PF, MDC-T to share $1,4 billion

The Chronicle

Sikhumbuzo Moyo, Senior Reporter

THE ruling ZANU-PF party and the main opposition MDC-T will share $1.4 billion that will be disbursed to political parties that qualify for funding in terms of the Political Parties Finance Act, Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Ziyambi Ziyambi has announced.

The Justice Minister made the announcement through General Notice 2815 of 2022, released last week Friday.

“It is hereby notified, in terms of section 3 (2) of the Political Parties (Finance) Act [chapter 2.04], that the total amount of money payable to political parties in respect of the year beginning 1st January, 2023, and ending on the 31st December, 2023, is one billion four hundred and eight million, three hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars only,” reads the notice.

Minister Ziyambi said the money shall be disbursed to political parties that qualify in terms of section 3 (3) of the Act.

Section 3(3) reads;

“For the purpose of subsection (2), each political party whose candidates received at least five per centum of the total number of votes cast in the most recent general election shall be entitled to the same proportion of the total monies appropriated as the total number of votes cast for its candidates in the election bears to the total number of votes cast for all its candidates in that election:

“Provided that, where a candidate is declared elected in terms of section 46 or 49 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:01] without a poll having taken place, he shall be deemed to have received the votes of all the voters registered in the constituency concerned.”

According to the General Notice, the revolutionary party, led by the First Secretary, President Mnangagwa, is set to be paid $985 874 400, having received 70.03 percent of the votes cast while the Senator Douglas Mwonzora led MDC-T party will get $422 517 600 after garnering  29.97 percent of the total votes cast in the 2018 Harmonized elections.


Article Source: The Chronicle

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