ZANU PF Unworried By CCC

Source: ZANU PF Unworried By CCC – Mutsvangwa

ZANU PF says it is unmoved by the launch of the Nelson Chamisa-led Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), saying it has confidence in its appeal to the majority of Zimbabweans.

ZANU PF national spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa denied allegations that ZANU PF was working in cahoots with the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to sabotage CCC rallies and programmes. He said:

The issue of the size of the crowd is neither here nor there. A rally attendance is not a voting booth.

A rally in a particular place is definitely not an arbiter of total national power dispensation.

What would be of concern is the deep chasm of mistrust and the questionable loyalty of the MDC-Chamisa Chete Chete personalised political outfit to the Zimbabwe State.

Here it needs to be recalled that the state of free Zimbabwe is two decades older than the later arrivist MDC-CCC opposition.

This is an issue the late (Morgan) Tsvangirai (the late MDC president) was finally grappling with as he matured in national statecraft.

This comes after audio recordings of ZANU PF officials allegedly plotting to work with ZRP to disrupt CCC gatherings have also gone viral on various social media platforms.

ZRP has also set stringent conditions for the CCC’s star rally in Highfields, Harare this Sunday and warned the party that they would disperse the gathering if the conditions are not met.

Mutsvangwa “advised” Chamisa to separate himself from his alleged western handlers for him to gain the trust of ZRP and other State organs. Said Mutsvangwa:

Chamisa must renounce the badge of puppetry as an agent of sinister and hegemonic elites who hanker for the neo-colonial control of Zimbabwe.

Maybe he could finally build trust with the ZRP and other arms of the state. That would be a harbinger for a new dawn in the democratic journey of Zimbabwe.

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