Kudakwashe Mahachi’s namesake murdered in Makokoba

The Chronicle

Chronicle Online Reporter

A man who shares the same name with famous footballer Kudakwashe Mahachi died at Mpilo Central Hospital in Bulawayo after he was stoned by unknown assailants.

Mahachi was found lying unconscious in Makokoba.

Nkosiyabo Sibanda, the lawyer representing Kuda Mahachi the football player, said the Mahachi who died was not his client.

“The Kuda who died is not the Kuda I represent. My client is still alive,” he said.

The official police twitter account said the police are treating the death of Mahachi as a murder case.

Kuda Mahachi, the footballer, is still among the living

“ZRP Mzilikazi is investigating a case of murder in which Kudakwashe Mahachi (33) was found lying unconscious on 10/06/22 at around 1000 hours at Getrude Park, Makokoba, after he was attacked by unknown assailants.

“The victim died while admitted at Mpilo Hospital on 10/06/22 at around 1105 hours. Police recovered two blood-stained stones and an invertor at the scene. Anyone with information to contact any nearest Police Station. #notorobbery,” tweeted the police.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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