Working towards climate-resilient agricultural systems in Zimbabwe – Policy Brief 38, November 2021

Source: Working towards climate-resilient agricultural systems in Zimbabwe – Policy Brief 38, November 2021 – Zimbabwe | ReliefWeb

Continued collaboration between policymakers and researchers is crucial for effective and dynamic climate-smart solutions

Key messages

  • Climate action is urgently needed: Successive droughts and unseasonal climate events in Zimbabwe have already taken a toll on the country’s economy. Climate projections indicate more dry conditions
  • Rainfed farming will be the worst hit: Poverty amongst the population who depend on rainfed farming and are already living in harsh conditions will worsen
  • Growing awareness on importance of climate research: Policymakers are aware that researchbased climate change adaptation should be central to agricultural systems transformation
  • Proactive public-private response: The government, development agencies and the private sector have started to diligently incorporate climate change adaptation, but there are gaps in linking local-specific climate change adaptation requirements to nationallevel policy decisions.
  • Need to address gaps through science-policy collaborations: Continued dialogue and collaborations are crucial for effective and dynamic climate-smart solutions.

Linking science to decision-making: Research-based solutions for addressing gaps

  • Data and evidence for context-specific effective responses, climate change impacts and suitable adaptation options can inform agricultural program design and align resources with activities
  • Forward-looking research that helps understand climate projections, farming systems specific vulnerabilities and adaption impacts can enhance policy coordination and mainstream climate change adaptation in agriculture
  • Evidence-based assessments can then more effectively support the rationale for climate finance and action
  • Capacity building is critical for agricultural policy review and for the uptake of research processes and products.
    It is important to build human and institutional capacity in research, extension, climate services and especially for decision-makers to plan and guide research and use research outputs to inform decisions.

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