The Chronicle
Mashudu Netsianda, Chronicle Reporter
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa will host this year’s Children’s Party, for the first time since 1980, at State House in Bulawayo ahead of the 42nd Anniversary Independence Day celebrations, which will also be held in the city.
The Children’s Party, which takes place on independence eve, will be attended by children from the country’s 10 provinces.
A total of 1 090 learners selected from primary and secondary schools across all the 10 provinces and encompassing the districts will attend the event.
Initially, 540 learners were set to attend the event, but the number has been increased in order to afford the children from Bulawayo an opportunity to interact with the First Family.
This year’s Independence celebrations together with the Children’s Party will be held under the theme: “[email protected] 42- Leaving no one and no place behind.”
The theme dovetails with the Second Republic’s drive towards the promotion of national unity, devolution and decentralisation.
In her post Cabinet briefing on Tuesday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said preparations for the Independence Day Celebrations are in full swing with President Mnangagwa expected to address the nation from Barbourfields Stadium on April 18.
“This year’s Children’s Party will be held at State House in Bulawayo, and not Khumalo Hockey Stadium as alluded to earlier, and will be attended by 1 090 learners.
The number of learners has been increased in order to afford the children from Bulawayo an opportunity to interact with the First Family,” she said.
“The nation is being informed that preparations for the celebrations are in full swing, and His Excellency the President will address the nation from Barbourfields Stadium in Bulawayo on 18th April 2022.”
Minister Mutsvangwa said Cabinet has also approved the themes for the mass displays whose training commenced on Wednesday last week.
She said the Independence Flame will be taken from Khami Monument through Bulawayo suburbs on April 17 on its way to the Bulawayo Natural Museum of Zimbabwe.
It will pass through Nkulumane, Nketa, Emganwini, Tshabalala, Pelandaba, Pumula, Magwegwe, Gwabalanda, Luveve, Emakhandeni, Entumbane and then the city centre.
“The onset of the 42nd Anniversary Independence Day Celebrations will be marked by fireworks at midnight on 17 April 2022 and the Independence Gala will be held outside the Barbourfields Stadium on the 18th of April, 2022 in compliance with Covid-19 protocols and regulations.
“President Mnangagwa will officiate at the proceedings, which will include a football match between the country’s two biggest teams Highlanders and Dynamos,” the Minister said.
“After the football match, members of the public will be treated to a music gala, with performances from various artistes.”
Last week, the Inter-Ministerial Cabinet Committee on State Occasions met the Bulawayo Provincial Committee overseeing hosting of the Independence Day celebrations at Barbourfields Stadium as part of preparations for the event to celebrate 42 years of freedom on April 18.
Bulawayo was scheduled to host the 40th Independence Day celebrations in 2020 before the event was postponed after Government declared a National Disaster and enforced a lockdown as part of measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.
The celebrations and other public events were cancelled in March of that year as part of measures to contain the spread of the pandemic, which had started claiming lives globally. — @mashnets
Article Source: The Chronicle