Rotary Club, Health ministry partner in medical outreach programme

Source: Rotary Club, Health ministry partner in medical outreach programme – The Southern Eye

THE Rotary Club has partnered the Health and Child Care ministry for an outreach programme today to cater for less-privileged communities in Mzilikazi, Bulawayo.

“We will be providing free medical consultations and medication  for those people who find it hard to gain access to healthcare services,” Rotarian representative, Trudy Mhlanga, told Southern Eye in an interview.

“We will just be conducting the outreach programme for the following diseases, that is HIV testing, prevention and preparation, cervical cancer screening, male screening services, immunisation of children, mental health education just to name but a few.”

Bulawayo provincial medical director Marphios Siamuchembu welcomed the partnership.

“It is a very good gesture that they brought upon us and we will be working in collaboration with them during the outreach programme days. We will get to assist the poor communities who sometimes cannot afford to be in hospitals or clinics,” Siamuchembu said.

Bulawayo City Council health services director Edwin Sibanda said: “They (Rotary Club) approached us and the idea is that we are going to be helping the disadvantaged people in the communities. There will be free consultation and medication for everyone but for basic diseases only.”

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